Structure of edge, screw, and mixed dislocations, and the mechanisms by which they propagate strain are covered. 内容涵盖刃差排、螺旋差排及混合差排的结构,及差排传递应变的机构。
Interaction between Screw Dislocations and Circular Inclusions with Imperfect Interfaces in Anisotropic Materials; RECALL MODEL AND AGE DIFFERENCE INFLUENCE THE SIZE EFFECT OF LANGUAGE UNITS IN MEMORY 各向异性材料中螺型位错与含非完整界面圆形夹杂干涉效应回忆方式和年龄差异对语言单位大小效应的影响
Coracoidclavicle screw is a good method to treat fractures of the distal clavicle and dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint. 喙锁螺钉是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的可靠方法。
The kink or flaw along the twin boundary is resulted by the screw dislocations dissociation at the twin boundary. 螺位错在孪晶界上分解导致沿着孪晶界发生弯曲和凹痕甚至孪晶的断裂。
It is found that outcrops of micropipes on the crystal surface possess remarkable feature of double or multiple screw dislocations. 利用光学显微术观察了原生晶体的表面形貌,发现了微管在晶体表面的露头点具有明显的多个螺位错成核特征。
The movement of screw dislocations under shear stress 剪切力作用下螺位错的运动
It is found that there are slip steps of screw dislocations, growth steps and microcrystals on the surface. 发现在金刚石表面存在大量的台阶和微晶。
Due to the screw dislocations presented in the crystal, generally. 由于晶须中螺旋位错的存在,在宏观上将使晶须扭转一定的角度。
Objective To evaluate effect of transarticular screw technique in treatment of lower cervical fracture and dislocations. 目的评价经关节突螺钉技术治疗下颈椎脱位的效果。
Birefringence images of end-on screw dislocations in GGG crystals containing a long-range plane strain field 在具有长程应变场的GGG晶体中螺型位错的应力双折射像
Birefringence Image of End-on Screw Dislocations in Ba ( NO_3)_2 Crystals Ba(NO3)2晶体中螺位错的双折射像
The other was pure screw misfit dislocations with line directions of 〈 110 〉. 螺型失配位错,位错线沿〈110〉方向。
On the Intersecting Mechanism for Non-extended Screw Dislocations 谈非扩展型螺位错的交割机制
The results indicate that β-SiC whiskers have triangular cross section, stacking faults in < 111> orientation, and screw dislocations at the tips, and the mechanism for the growth process of the whiskers can he explained as VS mechanism. 结果表明:晶须沿<111>方向具有平行的堆垛层错,横断面呈正三角形,晶须顶端存在螺旋位错。该方法生产的β-SiC晶须,其生长过程为VS机理。
By assuming that the motion is thermally activated, the corresponding activation energy is obtained to be~ 2.94 eV. Velocities of edge ( or 60 °) dislocations and screw dislocations at 900 ℃ are compared, the latter being smaller. 设位错运动是热激活的,激活能为~2.94eV.比较了900℃下刃型(或60°)位错及螺型位错的速度,后者较小。
Because of the Burgers vector of the screw dislocations in [ 0001] direction are much larger than that of the edge dislocations, one can distinguish the screw dislocations from the edge dislocations according to the depth of etch pits. 由于[0001]方向的螺型位错的Burgers矢量比刃型位错的Burgers矢量大得多,故可从蚀坑的深浅来判别螺型位错和刃型位错。
Two problems are considered: The compatible of screw dislocations and visco-elastic fracture of edge interfacial blunt crack in bimaterial; The compatible of edge dislocations and visco-elastic-plastic fracture of blunt crack. 包括双材料边缘界面钝裂纹粘弹性断裂螺型位错相容原理;钝裂纹粘弹塑性断裂刃型位错相容原理。
At the same strain rate and under the temperature of 410 ℃, the hot deformation structure is mainly characterized as dynamic recovery structure. The predominant dynamic recovery mechanism is found to be cross-slip of screw dislocations. 在相同应变速率下,变形温度410℃以下时主要形成亚晶组织,发生动态回复,其动态回复机制主要为螺型位错的交滑移。
Screw dislocations are activated along tensile direction at the low strain. 在低应变量下,沿着拉伸外力的方向,线状位错形核。